Join us as wel welcome Tom Putnam to our church with his service titled The Blessings of an Imperfect Life. Tom writes:
I’ve been recently re-reading a collection of essays by Philip Simmons, who was a guest preacher in the late 1990’s at a service at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Peterborough NH that my family attended. I’ll share more about him this Sunday and his memoir, Learning to Fall: The Blessings of an Imperfect Life. When he was 35 years old, Philip Simmons was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease and he used his final years to live life as fully as he could and to write about it. You may know his articles from the UU World magazine. “When we learn to fall,” he notes in the book’s title essay, “we learn that only by letting go of our grip on all that we ordinarily find most precious – our achievements, our plans, our loved ones, our very selves – can we find, ultimately, the most profound freedom. . . . As we fall into humility, into compassion, into oneness with others who we realize are likewise falling — we fall, at last, into the presence of the sacred, into godliness, into mystery, into our better diviner natures.”
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