Gratitude: Holy Ground
“And this is the marvel that you see through the eyes of gratefulness: that this whole world – every little detail of it – is filled with the life of Life, with Spirit, with fire!” ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast
“And this is the marvel that you see through the eyes of gratefulness: that this whole world – every little detail of it – is filled with the life of Life, with Spirit, with fire!” ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast
What would it mean to abandon these shoes and find new ways to tread, finding new ways to be and to move forward? What needs to be let go? What are the gifts already present that can help in this new land?
Sometimes we catch a glimpse of the road up ahead or a hint of what’s around the bend, but most times we don’t. How do we pay more attention to the many gifts life offers us along the way rather than always craning our necks for a glimpse of what’s coming next?
What does it mean to move through life as a pilgrim – seeing life as a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance?
The antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness. Where and when do you show up wholeheartedly? How does this impact you, others, the world?
On this path together, how do we serve ourselves, each other, and our larger community with patience, compassion and grace?
How does Joseph Campbell’s concept of “The Hero’s Journey” work within the context of commumity? How does Carl Jung’s “night journey on the ocean” guide us as a community toward self-enlightenment?
You’ve caught yourself a minister, but the Search is not over. Where do we flow from here? Our SUUC choir and the UU Notes will provide special music.
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(Use this same link every Sunday) – Join Zoom Meeting at Meeting ID: 239 963 1729 One tap mobile +16468769923,,2399631729# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)