Read more of our newsletter at January 14th, 2016 Newsletter.
Musings-January 2016 Sanford
Grace, Ellie and I (and Penny) would like to thank everyone who helped make our re-entry from sabbatical soft and smooth. We are so appreciative of all of the support we have felt throughout our personal transitions and around our healing time away in Costa Rica. I was thoroughly impressed (although not surprised, I know you are all amazing) at how beautifully things ran while we were away and by all the positive feedback I have received about worship and all aspects of church life. This is true at both the Sanford and the Saco congregations. I am thrilled to be returning to full time ministry, with two locations. I suspect that we will be continuing to find rich ways to collaborate and to blossom even more as we pool our resources.
Some details:
Office Hours: Generally, I will be in Saco all day on Wednesdays (8:30-5:30) and in Sanford all day on Thursdays (same times). If you want to just stop in, I would love to see you, BUT if you definitely want to spend some time with me, please call or email ahead of time, since there are always things that come up that may take me away or occupy my time. I am also available lots of other times and will surely be in both churches on other days of the week, so just let me know if you need an appointment or would like me at one of your committee meetings, etc.
Worship: Most of the year I will be in the pulpit in Saco/Biddeford on the first and third Sundays of the month and in Sanford on the 2nd and 4th. Of course there are a few times that this gets all mixed up, so please look at the websites or newsletters if you want to know where I will be preaching. I will be in both places on Easter, with special times and meals planned in each location.
New collaborations and some changes. As I figure out how to best serve both congregations and how we can take advantage of the fullness of ministry, you may notice some small changes. For example, in Sanford we will be reducing out newsletter to once a month. This will now correspond with UUCSBs newsletter schedule. In addition, you can expect to see the church’s activities posted in both newsletters. Also, PLEASE KNOW that you are welcome AND ENCOURAGED to attend each other’s church activities. We will be making sure all activities get advertised in both churches. For example, everyone is warmly welcome to the book group meeting in Sanford which includes a potluck meal on the last Friday of the month January 29th at 6:00 pm. Look for opportunities at both churches. And on Tuesdays in Saco, there are get togethers for an Earth Centered group.
And speaking of newsletters, we try to make them both informative and inspiring. In addition to the Incidental Inspiration I choose each month, also look for reflections from our worship associates and brief inspirational quotes from a good friend of mine, Bhante, who is a Buddhist monk.
There are so many exciting things happening at church right now, I can’t wait to be back in the middle of all of it with you! See you in church. Rev. Sue